Agreement between Arobase-Services asbl (agreement no. 01186) and the beneficiary of the services in the context of the Service Vouchers section.
Between the Local Employment Agency of Herstal ASBL, hereinafter referred to as Arobase-Services, on the one hand, and the client, on the other hand.
The following is agreed:
Article 1:
1.1 Arobase-Services agrees to provide domestic help in the form of household activities which comprise:
- The cleaning of a private home.
- The washing and ironing of the client’s household laundry.
- Occasional small sewing jobs.
- The preparation of meals.
- The cleaning of windows in the house.
Arobase-Services agrees to provide a help, outside the home, for the following activities:
- Shopping for the client.
- Ironing of client’s household laundry in our cleaning unit.
- Accompanying persons with impaired mobility on their errands.
1.2. In the case of unannounced unavailability of the domestic help, and if the beneficiary so wishes, Arobase-Services will provide a replacement depending on availability.
1.3 There will be no work done on public holidays. Every year Arobase-Services will provide an up-to-date list of public holidays granted to the domestic help.
1.4 Arobase-Services agrees to respect the confidentiality of data received from the beneficiary. The beneficiary registers with the Service Voucher system, with Arobase-Services, via the SODEXO company.
Article 2.
2.1 The beneficiary shall agree:
- not to ask the domestic help to do any dangerous or excessively heavy work;
- to inform Arobase-Services of any change in address;
- to ensure that materials put at the disposal of the domestic help are adequate, suitable for the work requested and properly functioning;
- to inform Arobase-Services in the event of infectious disease, to prevent the spread of the disease;
- not to let any other work be done that is not contained in the agreement.
- to ensure that the work is conducted in suitable conditions in terms of the health and safety of the domestic help.
2.2. The beneficiary shall give the domestic help 1 signed and dated service voucher per hour worked on the day of the performance.
The domestic help can only be paid with service vouchers; the beneficiary is obliged to pay with service vouchers in his/her name.
Any omissions as regards late payment or other commitments concerning the domestic help will be penalised with the withdrawal of help as agreed by Arobase-Services.
Article 3.
Within the limits of the employment regulations, the work schedule and work plan of the domestic help as well as the means of access to the beneficiary’s home will be agreed mutually by Arobase-Services and the beneficiary.
Any change in the scheduled time or number of hours worked must be reported to Arobase-Services and must receive endorsement by means of an amendment to the current agreement.
If the beneficiary goes on holiday and has no need for the domestic help during this period, he/she shall inform Arobase-Services before the start of the performance. In the event that this is not done, compensation of €20 per hours not worked will be paid to Arobase-Services.
Article 4.
The domestic help is placed under the exclusive authority of Arobase-Services. This means that Arobase-Services has the right to visit the workplace during the hours worked by the domestic help.
If the beneficiary has a complaint, it must be addressed to Arobase-Services during office hours, from Monday to Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 13.30 to 15.30 and on Friday from 8 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. or by e-mail to
Article 5.
If there are any problems concerning the application of the current agreement and not covered by any of these specific articles, the two parties will agree to do their best to reach a joint solution.
Article 6.
If the domestic help cannot do his/her work at the user’s home at the hour agreed because of the absence of the beneficiary or the non-respecting of the means of access foreseen in the agreement, the user will have to pay Arobase-Services €20 per hour not worked by way of compensation. Unless the beneficiary can prove a case of force majeure (death of a close relative, serious illness, etc.) and this latter does not lead to a hindrance of more than one week.
Article 7.
The beneficiary is obliged to inform Arobase-Services of any absence, justified or not, of the domestic help, as of its occurrence.
Article 8.
The domestic help is insured by Arobase-Services for accident at work and civil liability. Any claim for occurrence or accident must be made within three working days during the opening hours of Arobase-Services as stated above, or by e-mail to The insurance company shall assess the responsibility of the domestic help in the event of an occurrence.
Article 9.
In the case of non-compliance with this current agreement, Arobase-Services reserves the right to terminate it without any prior notice.
The agreement that unites the beneficiary with Arobase-Services is automatically rescinded if there is no payment of service vouchers and the beneficiary does not possess any more.
Article 10.
In the case of litigation, only the courts of the legal district of Liege are competent.
Article 11.
The failure to implement a right or the non-application of a penalty by Arobase-Services asbl shall not constitute a waiver of such rights.