
Des cookies sont activés et utilisés durant votre navigation sur le site Il s’agit de petits fichiers texte, généralement composés de chiffres et de lettres, qui ne génèrent aucun risque de sécurité pour votre ordinateur, tablette ou smartphone.

Les cookies permettent de :

  • Comprendre le comportement des visiteurs sur les différents pages du site
  • Mesurer l’activité des visiteurs sur le site ainsi que leur fréquence de retour afin d’adapter le site à l’utilisation de ses visiteurs
  • Mesurer le nombre de visites, le nombre de pages vues

Vous pouvez consulter ces différents cookies et prendre connaissance de leur utilité au travers de le listing ci-dessous.

Ces cookies sont activés par défaut sur votre navigateur web. Il vous est néanmoins possible de configurer votre navigateur pour vous informer lors de chaque création de cookies et éventuellement empêcher leur création. Voici la marche à suivre sur les 4 navigateurs principaux :

  • Chrome :
  • Firefox :
  • Safari :
  • Internet Explorer :

L’accès à notre site ne vous sera pas refusé si vous désactivez les cookies, mais certaines fonctionnalités risquent de ne pas être disponibles.

Le listing et les explications ci-dessous ont été rédigées en anglais et proviennent directement des services cités.

1. WordPress cookies

  • wordpress_[hash] : On login, wordpress uses the wordpress_[hash] cookie to store your authentication details. Its use is limited to the admin console area, /wp-admin/
  • wordpress_logged_in_[hash] : After login, wordpress sets the wordpress_logged_in_[hash] cookie, which indicates when you’re logged in, and who you are, for most interface use.
  • wp-settings-{time}-[UID] : WordPress also sets a few wp-settings-{time}-[UID] cookies. The number on the end is your individual user ID from the users database table. This is used to customize your view of admin interface, and possibly also the main site interface.
    wordpress_test_cookie : Tests whether or not the browser has cookies enabled.

The actual cookies contain hashed data, so you don’t have to worry about someone gleaning your username and password by reading the cookie data. A hash is the result of a specific mathematical formula applied to some input data (in this case your user name and password, respectively). It’s quite hard to reverse a hash (bordering on practical infeasibility with today’s computers). This means it is very difficult to take a hash and « unhash » it to find the original input data.

WordPress uses the two cookies to bypass the password entry portion of wp-login.php. If WordPress recognizes that you have valid, non-expired cookies, you go directly to the WordPress Administration interface. If you don’t have the cookies, or they’re expired, or in some other way invalid (like you edited them manually for some reason), WordPress will require you to log in again, in order to obtain new cookies.

2. Google Analytics cookies

  • _gat : This cookie has a ten minute timeout. This cookie does not store any user information, it’s just used to limit the number of requests that have to be made to
  • _ga : This cookie has a 2 years timeout. Used to distinguish users.
  • _gid : This cookie has a 24 hours timeout. Used to distinguish users.

Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites : collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage

3. Polylang Cookies

  • pll_language : Polylang uses a cookie to remember the language selected by the user when he comes back to visit again the website. This cookie is also used to get the language information when not available in another way. Examples are ajax requests or the login page. According to the section 3.6 of the Opinion 04/2012 on Cookie Consent Exemption, this cookie is part of the user interface customization and may be considered as requested by the user. Whether it requires the explicit consent of the user seems to depend on the expiration time or the information provided on your website. Moreover European countries have all their own law and do not apply the European directive the same way. Please check if this cookie requires an explicit user consent in your own country. This cookie stores the two letters language code of the last browsed page. The default expiration time is 1 year.

4. Ninja Forms Cookies

  • nf_wp_session : To manage visitor contact form interactions with the site.

5. Other cookies

  • PHPSESSID : To identify your unique session on the website
  • cookiebar : To store if the user has hidden the cookie bar